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DTN Closing Grain Comments    02/14 13:53
   Wheat Prices Soar Into Weekend; Corn, Soybeans Firmer to Close Week as Well

   Row-crop markets received a late-week boost, mainly led higher by wheat
markets that are firming on adverse weather prospects for both the Northern
Plains and Black Sea areas. Meanwhile corn and soybean prices also firmed
Friday, with the former again challenging upside resistance. Outside markets
Friday were mixed but a mostly positive influence on ag commodities, mainly due
to an increasingly softer U.S. Dollar Index, which has not retraced back to its
lowest reading in two months. A reminder that U.S. grain markets will be closed
on Monday, Feb. 17 in observance of Presidents Day.

Rhett Montgomery
DTN Lead Analyst


   March corn closed up 2 3/4 cents and May corn was up 2 3/4 cents. March
soybeans closed up 6 cents and May soybeans were up 5 3/4 cents. March KC wheat
closed up 23 cents, March Chicago wheat was up 22 1/4 cents, March Minneapolis
wheat was up 17 1/4 cents.
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